What is it which reveals the "hairs" on a flower stem . . .
. . . the beauty of the countryside . . .
. . . the majesty of clouds and welcoming of a ranch gate?
What is it that reveals the lushness of Oregon forests . . .
. . . the splendor of architecture . . .
. . . the peaceful reflection of fountains?
What shows off the fire of autumn leaves . . .
. . . the freckled bark of an aspen tree . . .
. . . the surrender of a golden aspen leaf to winter's call?
What is it that sets the clouds ablaze . . .
. . . kisses the mountains . . .
What is it that reveals sunset's reflection in the waters . . .
. . . the love of a nun for her disabled charge . . .
. . . and the joy of a helpless one who has experienced the love of God?
What is it? Have you figured it out?
IT = light.
LIGHT reveals the tiny hairs, the radiant beauty, the splendor of design, the kindness of love and the glow of unexplainable joy.
and show us how EXTRAordinary it really is!
LIGHT (from knowing God) can take someone who was literally on her deathbed . . . and make her RADIANT with joy and peace!
What is it that reveals both our DESPERATE need for God and our INCREDIBLE VALUE to Him?
Will we allow His Light to reveal all the wonder and beauty and splendor and--yes--darkness within us?
Will we ask His forgiveness and trade our darkness for His glory?
We have a choice, you and I.
Will we walk in the Light of God's Love?
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