Thursday, September 29, 2011

God of the Details

During my Sunday afternoon rambles a couple weeks ago, God showed me once again that 
He is in the details. 
If God would put such intricate detail into 
one tiny leaf . . . 

. . . seeing to it that it has an amazing 
"vein" pattern
 to receive all it needs . . .

. . . and one more . . .

. . . how much more will He tenderly care for the details in our lives?

I entered the mountains full of worries,
 my mind a jumble.
I spent hours marveling over easy-to-miss details of God's creation, like . . .

. . . bark peeling off a fallen aspen tree . . .

. . . tiny yet intricate flowers . . .

. . . bright berries . . .

. . . and bark designs.

Then my heart returned to peace. 
If God put such detail into the tiniest bits 
of His creation,
how much more will He pour over even the smallest details of our lives?